Wednesday 28 October 2015

Diary #11

Time : 12:15 pm
Date: 29/10/2015
Location : MacD Sitiawan, Perak

Random Stuffs

Well, hi!

Tengah duk lepak2 kat MacD je then ada pula wifi free... Well, jangan Wi Fi Rogue sudahlah..
I dont have any specific topic to discuss with, but I just wanna greet this blog also to the readers.. Ha... Slang slang Kedah hilang dah..

Kita jadi ore Key Ell hari ni oke?

While having ice Mocha and Caramel Latte ni, i nak ajet2 mat Salleh la sikit kan.. Haha..

Here we go,
 Another chapter has gone..
 Chapter that bonded me and h** stoies.

Btw, tak sangka akan jadi macamni.
The messages that can be concluded from this weirdo sad frustrated story is,

Just be patient and believe that Allah has many better plans for us..

Go on jelah with our life.. Dont just because of small matters, kita huru hara kan hidup and torture people around us,,

I love of having many friends..

I hate when hurting them..

for those who are reading this not-so-interesting part of my blog, Im so sorry.. for hurting you..

for those who are used to be very close to me, and Im hurting them so badly, Im so sorry..

Yelah, we are human, Im a person.. Person do mistakes.. So do I..

Im missing you everyday.. Hoping we can laugh everyday...

Now, I just dont understand who must to be blamed..

My last words, Im sorry.. Sorry for everything..

Saturday 3 October 2015

Diary #10

Date: 3/1012015
LOCATION: Neverland

Bantu Aku Jadi Solehah🌸

mahalkan dirimu,
Agar tidak mudah dicapai oleh mereka..

Jagalah dirimu wahai si cantik,
Kerna kecantikan luaran sia sia tanpa keindahan dalaman...

Aku wanita biasa yang ingin dikurniakan title Solehah..

Solehah bukan diukur dari luaran , tetapi dalaman..
Kerna dalaman itu menentukan luaran..

Bantu aku jadi Solehah..
Agar aku bisa kuat merentasi badai dgn kalimah Allah..

Bantu aku jadi Solehah..
Agar aku bisa lahirkan para Satria dan Sri Kandi agama yang kukuh imannya...

Bantu aku jadi Solehah,
Agar aku bisa mengubah kehidupan mereka yang jauh dari landasan agama..

Bantu Aku Jadi Solehah..
Agar aku bisa merasai kemanisan agama ..

bantu, bantu aku jadi solehah..🌼